What they do?: POCWASN focuses on ensuring the health and well being of those caring for special needs individuals so that they can address the unique and pervasive physical and emotional challenges of their caregiving role from a place of health and well being. Our self-care services offer relief and relaxation from the stress that many of us face in our day-to-day lives.
Where are they?: Los Angeles, CA
Contact them: Via contact page click here.
Website: https://pocwasn.org
POCWASN is a non-profit organization – 501(c)(3) and it is our goal is to provide services to rejuvenate the mind, body and soul of the families/caregivers who dedicate themselves to the service of caring for people with special needs. We aspire to change the quality of life for all our clients through the provision of excellent self care services. We are devoted to supporting the parents and primary caretakers of individuals with disabilities.